You Belong Here

In December 2016 we asked the community to stitch the words "you belong here" to create a note approximately the size of their hand (stitching can be embroidery, cross stitch, crewel, pieced, knit, crocheted, or sewn). Since then we have continued to receive versions of this sentiment from people all over the world. Our #youbelonghere installation will be in the gather here front window beginning on January 19, 2019 in solidarity with the Third Women's March.

People ask us why we chose "you belong here" as our message in late 2016. We felt that the 2016 election highlighted the dangerous rhetoric of a small portion of our nation - one of exclusion, racism, and xenophobia. That rhetoric continues to come from the People's House in sound bites and policies that we believe are the antithesis of what a nation founded by and for immigrants should be advocating. We were inspired by the words we saw on a homemade t-shirt worn by a nine-year-old family friend after the election, we envisioned that message being amplified into a “large community announcement of inclusion.”

We created versions of this message that we shared immediately after announcing the project but knew that it would be a more powerful public piece if it included messages from a variety of craftspeople. In the first month we collected nearly 100 handcrafted pieces from people all over the country. Makers shared their process and finished pieces using the #youbelonghere hashtag on social media. Our window installation and the makers sharing their work sparked conversations about immigration, inclusive language, and advocacy.

In spring of 2017 we installed the pieces at the Cambridge Community Center which provides services for a large portion of the immigrant community in Cambridge. We hosted a #youbelonghere craft night with families during one of their family dinner events where we created a large You Belong Here banner for the center to display and the children who spend time at the CCC also had the opportunity to make their own pieces throughout the month of the installation.

Promoting inclusion and engagement with the craft community has been paramount to our business. We hope you'll consider submitting your #youbelonghere piece and join the many voices welcoming and supporting those that may feel excluded and afraid during these tumultuous times.


gather here is independently owned and operated. We’re part of a powerful community of craft artisans and busy bees who believe handcrafted, handmade goodness is for everyone.