We Care Wednesday: Boston Women's Fund

We Care Wednesday: Boston Women's Fund

In January 2017 we launched our We Care Wednesday initiative. By donating 5% of our sales each Wednesday, we were able to raise thousands of dollars for Greater Boston non-profits. This kind of targeted weekly giving is just another way we can focus our community-based business on doing good in all the ways we can.

Supporting non-profits that continue doing the essential work needed in our communities is important to gather here and we think it's important to the people that shop, take classes, and spend time here. This November our We Care Wednesday recipient is: Boston Women's Fund.

As a woman-owned business with a primarily female team, we wanted to throw our efforts behind a non-profit that is helping amplify equality for women. To quote their mission: The Boston Women’s Fund (BWF) believes that change begins at the grassroots level. We contend that the many strong women and girls fighting for justice in their communities know what needs to be done, yet frequently lack necessary resources to achieve their goals. BWF works to amplify the voices of these women and girls.

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