In 2023 a customer came in and asked if they could drop off an application. They were looking for a part-time job in an independently owned small business. It's not every day that someone spells out their desire not support locally owned small businesses by working at one. Shing arrived just as we were looking for some additional weekend support - an avid knitter and gifted maker.
When did you start making things? My Mom taught me how to sew in middle school, she had made all of our clothes up to that point. I think she got tired of doing all the work. I recall all those (HAHA) trendy and hip clothing my older sister and I made over the years. (See Culottes photo below!) Since then, the act of making has been essential to my emotional health. I’ve explored jewelry making, knitting, crochet, visible mending, sewing over the years and am hard pressed to say which I love more. Definitely a process person though.

What's your favorite thing to make? My partner laughs with me all the time when I whip out my current sock project because I said I’d NEVER NEVER NEVER make socks!

What is the thing you have enjoyed the most about joining the gather here team? Hands down talking projects with our customers! Amazing just how creative and adventurous our peeps are: first time clothing and accessory making, first time knitters, crocheters, architecture projects, so so many beautiful quilts, DIY thrift flippers, sewists that make clothes without patterns, environmentalists who mend all the crafty things instead of disposing of them!
What's your favorite tool? Interchangeable knitting needles. Allows me to have all the size of needles with me when I travel…to the doctor’s office, dentist, when I’m not driving, bus rides cuz I go to such glamorous places these days. Totally unrelated to my fiber crafting, my favorite tool is my jewelry saw! [Be sure to check out Shing's jewelry!]

What do you want to learn to make? I’m taking a deep dive into crochet right now. Even though I know the basic stitches I’m excited to stretch myself with this craft. Also very interested in Tunisian crochet but one step at a time – who am I????

What do you do when you aren't making things? I enjoy hiking and am lucky enough to live in a place that has trails throughout the town. I believe we explored almost all of them during COVID! I also love to cook for others, savory is my jam, and I try recipes from all over the world. Currently, I’m stuck in Korea and the middle east but I don’t hear any complaints.
What has been a source of joy during these unprecedented times? My family is my source of joy. I’m lucky enough to have both parents living and am looking forward to celebrating 99 with my Mom in 2 years! My partner and I have been together for 44 years and my son is now an adult! I don’t know how that happened, sneaky guy. My sister and family live just 15 minutes from me, as well as my sister in law and her family. It’s so grounding having them close by.
To follow Shing's creative pursuits you can check out her Instagram: @shing_jewels
To see Shing's jewelry and add a piece to your own collection: