Meet Lisa G - Customer Service Liaison!

Meet Lisa G - Customer Service Liaison!

Over the years we have met makers in workshops and they eventually decide to join the team. Lisa G is just one of those makers. When Lisa G decided she wanted a career change she reached out to see if her skills in healthcare administration and her passion for making things could be useful at gather here. At that moment we were feeling overwhelmed with emails and other customer service requests and had begun discussing how to address the never ending email inbox. Lisa G's timing was perfect.

When did you start making things?
I was always into crafty kits as a kid. Anybody remember those loops you weave together into potholders? I would also spend most summers playing Boggle, watching soap operas and sewing with my grandma. Hand sewing probably started in the 7-9 range. She also taught me how to crochet.

What's your favorite thing to make?
I love making homey things like pillows, pillowcases, napkins, table runners, etc. Knitting and sewing for babies is also incredibly satisfying as the projects come together quickly and the models are so cute.

What are you looking forward to the most about joining the gather here team? (Lisa G joined the team in the fall of 2020 and had just barely scratched the surface when the pandemic hit.)
I am so grateful to be around other humans.  Period. Certainly being around creative, thoughtful, funny ones is an extra bonus. And it’s inspiring to hear what other folx are working on.

What's your favorite tool?
I recently snagged a Bernina walking foot from Make and Mend. It’s been incredibly helpful for quilting pillow covers, placemats, etc.

What do you do when you aren't making things?
Most of my time is spent wrangling a toddler and young pup. We play a lot of legos, discuss our favorite Paw Patrol characters, and eat a lot of snacks. My three year old is also quite the maker so most days we paint, collage or repurpose toilet paper rolls into holiday decor. We are currently "collaborating" on a quilt for one of her favorite Aunties.

What has been a source of joy during the pandemic?
One of my favorite escapes has been Fantasy/Sci Fi novels and shows. I zoomed through the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson and can't wait to read more N.K. Jemisin. We've also gotten to know our neighbors much better thanks to the pandemic. We have so many young families in the neighborhood and it's great to see the kids (masked) zooming around on bikes and scooters in the warm weather. My latest pandemic hobby has been learning about birds. We put up a few feeders and have a Sibley's Guide to birds in the North East. I saw a Downy Woodpecker in our front yard the other week - and I may or may not have squealed. And how could I forget, Louie! Our quarantine pup turned 1 on March 12.

You can check out all of Lisa G's awesome creative explorations on Instagram @fancy_forecast.

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