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Celebrate and support Cambridge School Volunteer(CSV) during their month-long event. Founded in 1966, Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV) is an independent non-profit organization supporting the academic and personal success of Cambridge public school children. CSV develops programs which match caring and competent adults with students of all needs and levels.

We are pleased to be participating in their month-long celebration which culminates with a community-building event featuring textile artist Diana Weymar of the Tiny Pricks Project. Showcase and honor the work of teachers, tutors, mentors and classroom volunteers by creating your own expression of gratitude as a flag or other fiber arts creation.
The online event is Thursday, May 27, 2021 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Free & open to all, no needle arts skills required! (Eventbrite link to come!)

Drop off your creation by June 6, 2021 so we can display the work together with those made by your Cambridge neighbors, in our store window. And like every month, shop on Wednesdays! 5% of our Wednesday sales (online and in-store) will be donated to CSV in May. UPDATE: We donated $666.25 to CSV!

*Since launching the We Care Wednesday initiative in January 2017 we have donated over $44,500 to a variety of nonprofits doing essential work in our community as well as other places. From the Mayor's Disaster Fund to Girls Rock Boston to Movement Voter Project and Found In Translation. We select organizations that we feel represent not only our commitment to a better, more equitable world but also our desire to "do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can."