I've been in Cambridge for close to 10 years now, and I remember passing the store front on my way home from the library one day while the shop was under construction. I made it a point to come check it out as soon as the doors opened.
What is your craft and how does gather here support it?
I'm a graphic designer by day, but my after hours creative outlet is sewing. If it weren't for Virginia, all of my bodices would still be way too long for my short torso. The first garment I ever completed was a light blue Hazel dress, made as part of a class at Gather Here back in 2012. Even though my personal style has evolved quite a bit since then, it still hangs in my closet as a reminder of how far I've come! Since then I've taken dozens of classes, mostly so I can meet new sewing friends and pick Virginia's brain about techniques I'm unfamiliar with. I've now made dozens of dresses, sweatshirts, pants, and most recently my very first winter coat. Somehow I've even convinced myself that I have time for knitting, and I'm newly addicted to making hats for friends, so everyone at Gather Here has been fielding all my yarn questions.

Have you backed a Kickstarter campaign before? What was it?
I've only ever backed two projects, both were books by my friend Chris Piascik who is a really talented illustrator https://www.kickstarter.com/
There are thousands of Kickstarter campaigns that could use funding, why did you chose this one?
I think it's important that we keep local small businesses thriving. More space for Gather Here means even more people that will get to spend time crafting and being inspired by so many passionate makers.

Is there a particular reward that you think makes this campaign unique?
Every reward sounded great, but I chose studio time because spending a Saturday using the huge cutting table to prep a bunch of projects is one of my favorite weekend pastimes.
What would you tell someone who isn't sure about funding a Kickstarter Campaign?
I'd say Gather Here is all about bringing people in the community together to make things, and what's better than all of us helping Gather Here move? Plus, you don't even have to pivot a couch up a tiny stairwell.