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Joy in Community

They say that the darkest days are bearable when there is light and laughter. The world has been heavy (for years) and hope is hard to hold and cultivate (even if it is a daily practice). But in the company of others it is possible to feel like the future may still be bright. And change IS happening. One self-portrait at a time.

 On June 15, 2024, at the Lynn Museum, I had one of the best experiences participating in Lucky Knot Arts "Self-Portraiture as Self Love" workshop lead by Boston-based Cambodian artist, Mel Taing. We moved together, ate delicious Cambodian food prepared by The Golden Monkey Cafe (get the Jake Jean!), shared stories, and shook with authentic laughter. I shared the morning with old friends (hey there, Eling! love you Trish! and made some new friends!) They wisely had a behind the scenes photographer, Brandi Ebersole of Ebersole Photography, who captured all the joy while folks mingled and connected.

Lucky Knot Arts was founded in 2024 by Salem-based artist, Amanda Beard Garcia, a 2024 National Civic Impact Fellowship & Incubator fellow and grant recipient of Asian American Women’s Political Initiative (AAWPI). I began following Amanda on Instagram after seeing her Medford Utility Box paintings (I've lived in the Medford Area since 2008 and rely on the various bus routes to get to Cambridge - I saw quite a few of the utility boxes transform in 2020.) and somehow never actually met Amanda until this workshop! Like many of the AANHPI+ folks I've met over the years, we are eager to connect with other artists and creative entrepreneurs as well as place makers. In my own efforts to "take up space" and shout "representation matters" the opportunity to be in an affinity space as my authentic self immediately disarmed me and I felt ALL the emotions. Even typing this makes me a little weepy - when will I ever have the chance to share this space with these folks again?

On July 16, 2024, the Asian Community Fund announced that Lucky Knot Arts would be one of 52 grant recipients. The Asian Community Fund is the first & only philanthropic fund in Massachusetts dedicated to supporting the AAPI community. So excited that this means there will be future Lucky Knot Arts programming coming to the Northshore in the near future!

And I'll end this blog post with my new headshot - which only could have happened in a space where I felt 100% safe and seen. Thank you so much, Mel Taing. V B J serving bold confidence.