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We Care Wednesday: Whole Kids Foundation

In January 2017 we launched our We Care Wednesday initiative. By donating 5% of our sales each Wednesday, we were able to raise thousands of dollars for Greater Boston non-profits. This kind of targeted weekly giving is just another way we can focus our community-based business on doing good in all the ways we can.

Supporting non-profits that continue doing the essential work needed in our communities is important to gather here and we think it's important to the people that shop, take classes, and spend time here. This September our We Care Wednesday recipient is: Whole Kids Foundation. Hayley Robertson, the front end supervisor of Whole Foods Market: Beacon Street Somerville, reached out to us about their September fundraiser. "At Whole Foods, the month of September is the primary campaigning month for the Whole Kids Foundation- one of Whole Foods' foundations where 100% of donations go towards grants that bring salad bars, gardens, and honey bee enclosures to local schools. During this month our store runs a craft fair where our team members make and items to be sold as a donation to WKF."

Hayley is making microwavable neck/hand warmers and you'll find them for sale at Whole Foods Beacon Street. We proudly donated fabric to her and we hope her bean bag warmers raise lots of money for the the Whole Kids Foundation. And we hope that we can assist a little bit more with our Wednesday efforts. A number of schools in Massachusetts have received grants for school gardens and salad bars. Like the Carter School in Boston, the innovative garden was originally designed by an architect in 2005 and had a major makeover in 2015. It provides opportunities for disabled students to have sensory experiences, learn, practice and build on specific skills.