We have been finding it really hard to choose just one initiative to highlight each month. Much like we are finding it hard to fill our well of hope. But as Mariame Kaba says, "Hope is a discipline." And we continue to work on that discipline every day even as temperatures rise and the United States Supreme Court rips away rights and protections for the most vulnerable. And we, the people, do not revolt. Even as our tax dollars pay for weapons of war.

This July we will be donating the proceeds of our We Care Wednesday initiative to Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries. You might be asking "why".

The principles that drive Doctors Without Borders/MSF:

We are independent, impartial, and neutral.
We are guided by universal medical ethics.
We are committed to bearing witness.
We are transparent and accountable.
We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Not everyone can treat patients in the field. But everyone can do something.
Some humanitarian crises make the headlines—others don’t. Unrestricted support from donors allows DWB/MSF to mobilize quickly and efficiently to provide lifesaving medical care to the people who need it most, whether those needs are in the spotlight or not.

We ask that you consider donating directly to DWB/MSF.

Get involved! You can volunteer. Host your own fundraiser. Host a speaker event!

*Since launching the We Care Wednesday initiative in January 2017 we have donated over $85,215 to a variety of nonprofits and mutual aid funds doing essential work in our community as well as other places. From the Mayor's Disaster Fund to BAGLY to Abortion Access Front and Material Aid and Advocacy. We select organizations that we feel represent not only our commitment to a better, more equitable world but also our desire to "do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can."

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