Give Warmth

Give Warmth

We are happy to be collaborating with EMPath (Economic Mobility Pathways) this holiday season to help give the gift of warmth to parents living in shelter. Our incredible knitting instructor, Greeley O'Connor works for EMPath and when she asked if we would be a drop-off location for handmade gifts we wanted to do more. We know the maker community is a generous one and we have no doubt that together we can make this a very special holiday for those living in shelter. Everyone that donates a handmade cowl, scarf, hat, mittens, socks, or other adult-sized accessory will be entered to win a copy of Within and some gorgeous Woolfolk yarn (this is Greeley's favorite yarn and pattern booklet right now) to help you start a special project. Please drop off your handmade item by December 15th. And thank you.

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