Meet Meghan - Machine Technician

Meet Meghan - Machine Technician

Meghan joined gather here prior the pandemic, we even managed to send Meghan to Illinois for Bernina machine technician certification and longarm training prior to everything shutting down. Meghan started as a part-time employee and transitioned to full-time. During the height of the pandemic Meghan helped with our mask-making efforts, pulled and packed orders, as well as cleaned, oiled, and adjust hundred of sewing machines that had been pulled out of attics, basements, and back closets.

When did you start making things?
I learned how to sew from my mother when I was about 5, and I've been making things ever since. Besides quilting and garment making, I do some needlepoint and cross stitch, and I've tried a number of non-fiber arts areas as well, including baking, ceramics, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and woodburning.

a fluted tart with circules of sliced strawberries and blueberries radiating out from the center

What's your favorite thing to make?
Overall, my favorite thing to make is bread. In the world of sewing, my favorite things to make are '50's style a-line dresses. I love how such a simple design can be added to or altered in so many ways.

What do you enjoy the most about being a part of the gather here team?
I've been here for a year and a half and I really love how friendly and welcoming everyone is!

a fabric backpack lunch box in grey and lined in blue fabric sitting on an outdoor picnic table

What's your favorite tool?
Betweens size 9 [sewing] needles. They're the perfect size for the tiny stitches I like to do for my handsewing projects.

What do you do when you aren't making things?
I play video games and, when it's not a health hazard to do so, have board game nights with friends.

Gwen, a striped cat plays on the carpet with a handcrafted stuffed toy that is a black dragon with green eyes
What has been a source of joy during the pandemic?
I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends via Zoom every other week since the start of the pandemic. The best thing to come from everything shutting down was being able to line up eight separate schedules.
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